django-allauth 0.23.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2015-08-02
Note worthy changes David Friedman contributed Edmodo support, thanks! Added support for ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ON_PASSWORD_RESET (thanks Julen!) Backwards incompatible changes None
django-allauth 0.22.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2015-07-23
Note worthy changes Reversal of the email confirmation url can now be overridden in the adapter (get_email_confirmation_url). Additionally, the complete confirmation email handling can be overridden via send_confirmation_mail. Template context processors are no longer used. The Facebook Graph API fields (/me/?
Read moredjango-allauth 0.21.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2015-07-02
Note worthy changes You can now tweak the authentication params per OAuth provider, as you already could for OAuth2. Contributed by Peter Rowlands, thanks. Nattaphoom Ch. contributed a Thai translation, thanks! Guoyu Hao contributed a Baidu provider, thanks! Rod Xavier Bondoc contributed support logging out on password change (see setting: ACCOUNT_LOGOUT_ON_PASSWORD_CHANGE) Backwards incompatible changes In version 0.
Read moredjango-allauth 0.20.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2015-05-25
Note worthy changes Patrick Paul contributed a provider for Evernote, thanks! Josh Wright contributed a provider for Spotify, thanks! Björn Andersson added support for Dropbox OAuth2, thanks! guoqiao contributed a provider for Douban, thanks! Backwards incompatible changes Given that the max_length for the Django 1.
Read moredjango-allauth 0.19.1 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2015-02-05
Note worthy changes Fixed migrations when using South & Django 1.6.