News In 2024

django-allauth 0.63.1 released

Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-05-17

Note worthy changes When only allauth.account was installed, you could run into an exception stating "allauth.socialaccount not installed, yet its models are imported.". This has been fixed. When SOCIALACCOUNT_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION was turned on, and a user would connect a third-party account for which email authentication would kick in, the connect was implicitly skipped.

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django-allauth 0.63.0 released

Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-05-14

Note worthy changes New providers: TikTok, Lichess. Starting since version 0.62.0, new email addresses are always stored as lower case. In this version, we take the final step and also convert existing data to lower case, alter the database indices and perform lookups accordingly.

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django-allauth 0.62.1 released

Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-04-24

The tests package was accidentally packaged, fixed.

django-allauth 0.62.0 released

Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-04-22

Note worthy changes Added a dummy provider, useful for testing purposes: allauth.socialaccount.providers.dummy. Added a new provider, Atlassian Next URL handling been streamlined to be consistently applied. Previously, the password reset, change and email confirmation views only supported the success_url class-level property.

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Website Redesign

Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-04-20

The website has received a revamp. The version that was up before was actually just a manually crafted HTML file, but it has now been upgraded to a Hugo website. The documentation site received a similar make over. The source code to the new site is available as well, so if you spot a typ-o, or want to make a contribution, feel free to open a pull request.

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