django-allauth 0.55.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2023-08-22
Note worthy changes
- Introduced a new setting ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_RESET_TOKEN_GENERATOR that allows you to specify the token generator for password resets.
- Dropped support for Django 2.x and 3.0.
- Officially support Django 4.2.
- New providers: Miro, Questrade
- It is now possible to manage OpenID Connect providers via the Django admin. Simply add a SocialApp for each OpenID Connect provider.
- There is now a new flow for changing the email address. When enabled (ACCOUNT_CHANGE_EMAIL), users are limited to having exactly one email address that they can change by adding a temporary second email address that, when verified, replaces the current email address.
- Changed spelling from "e-mail" to "email". Both are correct, however, the trend over the years has been towards the simpler and more streamlined form "email".
- Added support for SAML 2.0. Thanks to Dskrpt for sponsoring the development of this feature!
- Fixed Twitter OAuth2 authentication by using basic auth and adding scope
- Added (optional) support for authentication by email for social logins (see SOCIALACCOUNT_EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION).
Security notice
- Even with account enumeration prevention in place, it was possible for a user to infer whether or not a given account exists based by trying to add secondary email addresses . This has been fixed -- see the note on backwards incompatible changes.
Backwards incompatible changes
- Data model changes: when ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL=True (the default), there was a unique constraint on set on the email field of the EmailAddress model. This constraint has been relaxed, now there is a unique constraint on the combination of email and verified=True. Migrations are in place to automatically transition, but if you have a lot of accounts, you may need to take special care using CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY.
- The method allauth.utils.email_address_exists() has been removed.
- The Mozilla Persona provider has been removed. The project was shut down on November 30th 2016.
- A large internal refactor has been performed to be able to add support for
providers oferring one or more subproviders. This refactor has the following
- The provider registry methods get_list(), by_id() have been removed. The registry now only providers access to the provider classes, not the instances.
- provider.get_app() has been removed -- use instead.
- SocialApp.objects.get_current() has been removed.
- The SocialApp model now has additional fields provider_id, and settings.
- The OpenID Connect provider SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS settings structure changed. Instead of the OpenID Connect specific SERVERS construct, it now uses the regular APPS approach. Please refer to the OpenID Connect provider documentation for details.
- The Telegram provider settings structure, it now requires to app. Please refer to the Telegram provider documentation for details.
- The Facebook provider loaded the Facebook connect sdk.js regardless of the value of the METHOD setting. To prevent tracking, now it only loads the Javascript if METHOD is explicitly set to "js_sdk".
Next: django-allauth 0.55.1 released Previous: django-allauth 0.54.0 released