django-allauth 0.15.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2013-12-01
Note worthy changes
- socialaccount: Added is_auto_signup_allowed to social account adapter.
- facebook: Added a new setting: VERIFIED_EMAIL.
- socialaccount: a collision on email address when you sign up using a third party social account is now more clearly explained: "An account already exists with this email address. Please sign in to that account first, then connect your Google account".
- account: You are now automatically logged in after confirming your email address during sign up.
- account: The /accounts/login/ view now supports AJAX requests.
- facebook: The fbconnect.js script is now more pluggable.
- socialaccount: Markus Kaiserswerth contributed a Feedly provider, thanks!
- socialaccount: Dropped django-avatar support.
- openid: First, last and full name are now also queried together with the email address. Thanks, @andrvb.
- openid: Compatibility fix for Django 1.6 (JSON serializer).
- account: Added support for ACCOUNT_CONFIRM_EMAIL_ON_GET.
Backwards incompatible changes
- Instead of directly rendering and returning a template, logging in while the account is inactive or not yet confirmed now redirects to two new views: /accounts/inactive/ respectively /accounts/confirm-email/.
- The account/verification_sent.html template no longer receives the email address in the context (email). Note that a message containing that email address is still emitted using the messages framework.
- The /accounts/confirm_email/key/ view has been renamed to /accounts/confirm-email/ (human friendlier). Redirects are in place to handle old still pending confirmations.
- Built-in support for django-avatar has been removed. Offering such functionality means making choices which may not be valid for everyone. For example, allauth was downloading the image (which can take some time, or even block) in the context of the login, whereas a better place might be some celery background job. Additionally, in case of an error it simply ignored this. How about retries et al? Also, do you want to copy the avatar once at sign up, or do you want to update on each login? All in all, this functionality goes way beyond authentication and should be addressed elsewhere, beyond allauth scope. The original code has been preserved here so that you can easily reinstate it in your own project:
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