django-allauth 0.8.2 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2012-10-10
Note worthy changes
- Twitter: Login was broken due to change at in URLs at Twitter, fixed.
- LinkedIn: Added support for passing along the OAuth scope.
- account: Improved email confirmation error handling, no more confusing 404s.
- account: Aldiantoro Nugroho contributed support for a new setting: ACCOUNT_USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH
- socialaccount: Added preliminary support for Mozilla Persona.
- account: Sam Solomon added various signals for email and password related changes.
- account: Usernames may now contain @, +, . and - characters.
Backwards incompatible changes
- Dropped support for CONTACT_EMAIL from the account template context processor. It was never documented and only used in the templates as an example -- there is no need to pollute the allauth settings with that. If your templates rely on it then you will have to put it in a context processor yourself.
Next: django-allauth 0.8.3 released Previous: django-allauth 0.8.1 released