django-allauth 0.8.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2012-09-01
Note worthy changes
- account: Dropped dependency on the emailconfirmation app, integrating its functionality into the account app. This change is of major impact, please refer to the documentation on how to upgrade.
- account: Documented ACCOUNT_USERNAME_REQUIRED. This is actually not a new setting, but it somehow got overlooked in the documentation.
- account/socialaccount: Dropped the _tags postfix from the template tag libraries. Simply use {% load account %} and {% load socialaccount %}.
- Added signup and social login signals.
- SoundCloud: Rabi Alam contributed a SoundCloud provider, thanks!
- account: Sam Solomon cleaned up the email management view: added proper redirect after POSTs, prevent deletion of primary email. Thanks.
- account: When signing up, instead of generating a completely random username a more sensible username is automatically derived from first/last name or email.
Backwards incompatible changes
- allauth now depends on Django 1.4 or higher.
- Major impact: dropped dependency on the emailconfirmation app, as
this project is clearly left unmaintained. Important tickets such
as are not
being addressed. All models and related functionality have been
directly integrated into the allauth.account app. When upgrading
take care of the following:
- The emailconfirmation setting EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DAYS has been replaced by ACCOUNT_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_EXPIRE_DAYS.
- Instead of directly confirming the email address upon the GET request the confirmation is now processed as part of an explicit POST. Therefore, a new template account/email_confirm.html must be setup.
- Existing emailconfirmation data should be migrated to the new tables. For this purpose a special management command is available: python account_emailconfirmationmigration. This command does not drop the old emailconfirmation tables -- you will have to do this manually yourself. Why not use South? EmailAddress uniqueness depends on the configuration (ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL), South does not handle settings dependent database models.
- {% load account_tags %} is deprecated, simply use: {% load account %}
- {% load socialaccount_tags %} is deprecated, simply use: {% load socialaccount %}
Next: django-allauth 0.8.1 released Previous: django-allauth 0.7.0 released