django-allauth 0.7.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2012-07-18
Note worthy changes
- Facebook: Facundo Gaich contributed support for dynamically deriving the Facebook locale from the Django locale, thanks!.
- OAuth: All OAuth/OAuth2 tokens are now consistently stored across the board. Cleaned up OAuth flow removing superfluous redirect.
- Facebook: Dropped Facebook SDK dependency.
- socialaccount: DRY focused refactoring of social login.
- socialaccount: Added support for Google OAuth2 and Facebook OAuth2. Fixed GitHub.
- account: Added verified_email_required decorator.
- socialaccount: When signing up, user.first/last_name where always taken from the provider signup data, even when a custom signup form was in place that offered user inputs for editing these fields. Fixed.
Backwards incompatible changes
Next: django-allauth 0.8.0 released Previous: django-allauth 0.6.0 released