django-allauth 65.1.0 released
Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-10-23
Note worthy changes OAuth2/OIDC: When setting up multiple apps for the same provider, you can now configure a different scope per app by including "scope": [...] in the app settings. Facebook login: Facebook Limited Login is now supported via the Headless API.
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Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-09-27
Fixes A regression occurred in the newly introduced support using LoginRequiredMiddleware, fixed. For email verification by link, it is not an issue if the user runs into rate limits. The reason is that the link is session independent. Therefore, if the user hits rate limits, we can just silently skip sending additional verification emails, as the previous emails that were already sent still contain valid links.
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Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-09-23
Fixes When email verification by code was used, adding additional email addresses over at the email management page fired the email_added signal prematurely as the email address instance was still unsaved. Fixed. The newly introduced logic to redirect to pending login stages has now been integrated in the RedirectAuthenticatedUserMixin so that the existing behavior of invoking get_authenticated_redirect_url() when already authenticated is respected.
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Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-09-22
Note worthy changes Added transparent support for Django's LoginRequiredMiddleware (new since Django 5.1). The usersessions app now emits signals when either the IP address or user agent for a session changes. Added support for signup using a passkey. See settings.
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Posted by Raymond Penners on 2024-09-05
Fixes Verifying the email address by clicking on the link would no longer log you in, even in case of ACCOUNT_LOGIN_ON_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION = True. Security notice It was already the case that you could not enable TOTP 2FA if your account had unverified email addresses.
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